Legislative Engagement
The Washington Student Achievement Council participates in Washington’s legislative process by sponsoring bills, tracking the progress of legislation affecting secondary and postsecondary education, and providing information and analysis.
2025 Session
2025 Legislative Session Preview
2024 Session
2024 Spring Policy & Program Showcase
- 2024 Spring Policy & Program Showcase Summary (June 2024)
- Webinar Recording & Slides (June 2024)
2024 Legislative Summary
- 2024 Legislative Session Summary (April 2024)
- Webinar Recording & Slides (March 2024)
2022 Session
2022 Session
Budget Comparisons and Summaries
- House vs. Senate vs. Final Budget Comparison (March 2022)
Legislative Summary
- 2022 Legislative Summary (March 2022)
2020 Session
2020 Session
Budget Comparisons and Summaries
2020 Supplemental Budget Comparison
Published reports
- 2019 Roadmap
- Academic Credit for Prior Learning: 2019 Update
- Educator Field Placement in Rural Areas
- Open Educational Resources Grant Pilot Program
Find more reports on our reports and publications page.
2019 Session
2019 Session
Budget Comparisons and Summaries
- 2019 Legislative Session Overview
- 2019-21 Final Operating Budget Comparison
- 2019-21 Budget Proposal Comparison (WSAC, Governor, House, Senate)
- Gov. Inslee's proposed 2019-21 budgets
- 2019-21 budget proposal comparison
Published reports
- The 2019 Strategic Action Plan
- The Roadmap Dashboard
- 2017 Roadmap Progress Report
- 2017 Progress Report handout
Find more reports on our reports and publications page.
Legislative Presentations
- Financial Aid Packaging Overview - Presented to the House College and Workforce Development Committee
- WSAC's Role in K12 Policy & Programs - Presented to the House Education Committee
- Overview of State Financial Aid - Presented to the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee
- Teacher Shortage Conditional Grant – Presented to the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee
2018 Session
2018 Session
Weekly Tracker
Budget Comparisons and Summaries
WSAC Proposals for the 2018 Supplemental Session
- Fully fund State Need Grant
- Cover books and transportation for Running Start
- Expand career-connected learning in high-demand fields
- Enhance consumer protection
Published reports
2017 Session
2017 Session
Budget Comparison and Summaries
- 2017 Legislative Session Wrap-Up
- Final 2017-19 Operating Budget
- WSAC, Governor, Senate, and House budgets
Published reports
- Academic Credit for Prior Learning Report (2016)
- Aerospace Loan Program
- College Bound Scholarship
- Dual-Credit
- For-Profit Colleges and Private Vocational Schools
- Southeast King County Higher Education Needs Assessment
- Transfers
Legislative Presentations
Agency Overview
Strategic Action Plan
Higher Education Investments
ITT Closure
Student Debt
Legislative Updates / Bill Trackers
2016 Session
2016 Session
Legislative Priorities
- Overview Handout
- College Bound Scholarship
- State Need Grant
- Consumer Protection
- STEM Education Innovation Alliance
2016 Legislative Presentations
Roadmap Update
Prior Learning Assessment
Dual Credit
Reference Materials
2015 Session
2015 Session
Legislative Priorities
- Our 2015 legislative priorities are based on the Council's 2014 Strategic Action Plan.
Reference Materials
- Week 15 Meeting Schedule (Apr. 20-24)
- Week 14 Meeting Schedule (Apr. 13-19)
- Week 13 Meeting Schedule (Apr. 6-10)
- Week 12 Meeting Schedule (Mar. 30-Apr. 3)
- Week 11 Meeting Schedule (Mar. 23-27)
- Week 10 Meeting Schedule (Mar. 16-20)
- Week 9 Meeting Schedule (Mar. 9-13)
- Week 8 Meeting Schedule (Mar. 2-6)
- Week 7 Meeting Schedule (Feb. 23-27)
- Week 6 Meeting Schedule (Feb. 16-20)
- Week 5 Meeting Schedule (Feb. 9-13)
- Week 4 Meeting Schedule (Feb. 2-6)
- Week 3 Meeting Schedule (Jan. 26-30)
- Week 2 Meeting Schedule (Jan. 19-23)
- Week 1 Meeting Schedule (Jan. 12-16)
- 2015 Regular Committee Meeting Schedule
Budget Proposals
- July 15 Final 2015-17 Operating Budget Proposal Comparison
- May 29 Budget Proposal Comparison
- WSAC - House/Senate/Governor budget comparison
- Governor Inslee's overview of his 2015 education budget
Legislative Updates / Bill Trackers
- 2015 Legislative Wrap-Up
Office Hours - July 10 blog post - Second Special Session - Tracked Bills
- Special Session - Tracked Bills
- Regular Session Summary
- Bills Passed into Law (Regular Session)
- Week 12
- Week 11
- Week 10
- Week 9
- Week 8
- Week 7
- Week 6
- Week 5
- Week 4
- Week 3
- Week 2
- Week 1
- Pre-Session
2014 Session
2014 Session
2014 Legislative Synopsis
2014 Weekly Legislative Updates
- Week 1: January 13-18
- Week 2: January 19-25
- Week 3: January 27-February 1
- Week 4: February 2-8
- Week 5: February 9-15
- Week 6: February 16-22
2014 Council Legislative Schedule
- Week 1: January 13-18
- Week 2: January 19-25
- Week 3: January 27-February 1
- Week 4: February 2-8
- Week 5: February 9-15
- Week 6: February 16-22
- Week 7: February 23-March 1
- Week 8: March 2-8
- Week 9: March 9-15