Are you stressed about making ends meet?
You’re not alone.
Over half of all college students in Washington qualify as low-income. Many students don’t have the resources to cover food, housing, and other basics.
Resources are available—and your college can help you find them.
Most colleges have an office where students can go for help with basic needs. It’s usually called Student Services or Student Affairs. There you’ll connect with navigators who can help you find and apply for resources to help you cover the basics. They’ll be familiar with the resources available through your campus and community as well as state and federal programs.
Find the basic needs Navigator at your university.
We know applying can be confusing. Your college is here to support you. Get help from your college:
University |
Help for basic needs |
Additional info |
Central Washington University |
Eastern Washington University |
The Evergreen State College |
Gonzaga University |
Heritage University |
Pacific Lutheran University |
Seattle University |
University of Washington - Bothell |
University of Washington - Seattle |
University of Washington - Tacoma |
Washington State University - Pullman |
Washington State University - Tri Cities |
Washington State University - Vancouver |
Western Washington University |
Whitworth University |
Find the basic needs Navigator at your college.
We know applying can be confusing. Your college is here to support you. Get help from your college:
College |
Help for basic needs |
Additional info |
Bates Technical College |
Bellevue College |
Bellingham Technical College |
Big Bend Community College |
Cascadia College |
Centralia College |
Clark College |
Clover Park Technical College |
Columbia Basin College |
Edmonds Community College |
Everett Community College |
Grays Harbor College |
Green River College |
Highline College |
Lake WA Inst. of Technology |
Lower Columbia College |
North Seattle College |
Olympic College |
Peninsula College |
Pierce College |
Renton Technical College |
Seattle Central College |
Shoreline Community College |
Skagit Valley College |
South Puget Sound Community College |
South Seattle College |
Spokane Community College |
Spokane Falls Community College |
Tacoma Community College |
Wenatchee Valley College |
Whatcom Community College |
Learn more
Doing a little research before visiting student services/affairs can help you prepare. But try not to rule anything out or assume you won’t qualify until you’ve met with an advisor or counselor.
This list is not exhaustive. Your school’s student services/affairs office will have more info about all the options available in your area.
College students can qualify for assistance with food, housing, healthcare, utilities, and more. Again, the best first step is to connect with your school’s student services/affairs office. They can help you apply.
Online resources:
- Washington Connection: Learn more and apply for state-managed programs like Basic Food and TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families)
- Washington 211: Find local public and nonprofit support for food, shelter, physical and mental health, utility assistance, and more.
Students who are immigrants may be affected by the Public Charge Test when they apply for legal permanent residency. Find out if the test includes any of the benefits you're seeking before applying. The City of Seattle has more information about the public charge test and public benefits in multiple languages.
Most college campuses now offer food pantries. Your student services/affairs office can also connect you with free food from community sources. Many students don’t realize they can qualify for Basic Food, also known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). If you are low income and meet the immigration status requirements, you might qualify. Ask student services/affairs to help you apply for Basic Food. [This section is under construction.] Washington Connection ChildCare Aware Family, Friends & Neighbor Program If you’re expecting a refund on your taxes, it pays to file before the April 15. The sooner you file, the sooner you’ll get your refund. You may also qualify for tax credits including: You can file directly with the IRS ( or get free tax assistance from United Way. Find out what you’re eligible for: Food
Campus food pantries
Basic Food Program from Washington State Department of Social and Human Services (DSHS)
Washington State Department of Social and Human Services (DSHS) offers resources for early learning, youth programs, childcare subsidies, and more.
This independent organization keeps an updated and searchable list of local community childcare options.
Offered by Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF)Cash Assistance
File your federal tax return with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
File for Unemployment benefits from Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD)