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College Bound

College Bound logo and young woman smiling, wearing grad cap among other graduates.

The College Bound Commitment

Through the generous Washington College Grant (WA Grant), eligible College Bound students who fulfill the pledge get free public college tuition, or an equivalent amount for an approved private college or career school. Students must apply for financial aid and attend a participating college in Washington.

This page contains information for students, families, counselors, and anyone interested in the College Bound program.

Information for Students and Families

NEW: The College Bound pledge has been updated, effective fall 2023! Now, students who attend community college or tech school are no longer required to have a 2.0 GPA in high school. Click "The Pledge" tab below for the more info.

We've gathered the most important information about the College Bound program to share with our students and families in Washington State. View the tabs below to find out about applying, eligibility, the College Bound pledge, and more.

FAQs for Students

Frequently Asked Questions
  • If you have questions, we have answers! We've compiled our most frequently asked questions into a single document for your use. This is especially useful for high school students and their families getting ready to access College Bound. Materials for the 2024-25 school year are currently being updated. Please check back soon for updates.

Sign Up Requirements


Students who meet one of the following requirements are automatically enrolled in College Bound:

  • Students who are in public school and eligible for free-and-reduced price lunch in 7th, 8th, or newly eligible in 9th grade.
  • Students who are in state foster care, or a dependent of the state between 7th grade and high school graduation.
Other ways to qualify

Some students do not fit into either scenario but are interested in applying for College Bound. Students and families can contact the College Bound program to apply if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • Attend a private school or homeschool program in Washington State and meet the income requirements.
  • Are in another type of foster care and not eligible for free-and-reduced price lunch.
2024-25 USDA Income Guidelines [Effective from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025]
 Household size  Annual Income* Monthly Income  Weekly Income 
 2  $37,814  $3,152  $728
 3  $47,767  $3,981  $919
 4  $57,720  $4,810  $1,110
 5  $67,673  $5,640  $1,302
 6  $77,626  $6,469  $1,493
Additional members**  $9,953  $830  $192

*Household income must be less than or equal to this amount.
**For each additional household member, add that dollar amount

    The Pledge

    What is the College Bound Pledge?

    As a part of the College Bound sign-up process, students pledge to do the following:

    • Graduate from a Washington State high school or homeschool program with a cumulative 2.0 GPA if they plan to attend a four-year public or private college directly after high school.
      • *Beginning fall of 2023, there are no GPA requirements for students who plan to attend a community college or technical school. Students should confirm with their school if their district requires a certain GPA to graduate.
    • Get accepted to and go to one of the over 65 participating colleges, universities, or programs within one year of graduating high school.
    • Have no felony convictions.
    • Complete a financial aid application form, the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or the WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid) beginning their senior year and meet income requirements.

    Using the Scholarship

    How will students get the scholarship?

    Materials for the 2024-25 school year are currently being updated. Please check back soon for updates.

    To earn College Bound funding through Washington College Grant, students must do the following:

    • Fulfill the pledge requirements and meet state residency requirements.
    • Complete a financial aid application during senior year of high school and each year in college, and be determined as income-eligible (see table).
    • Be accepted to and attend an eligible college within one academic year of high school graduation.
    • Be in good standing at their college. This could be GPA or student code of conduct and is specific to each school.
    Where can students use College Bound?
    • Students can use College Bound at over 65 schools across Washington.
    College Bound
    2024-25 Maximum Award Amounts*



    Public Research  
    University of Washington $12,878
    Washington State University $12,387
    Public Comprehensive  
    Central Washington University $8,585
    Eastern Washington University $8,023
    The Evergreen State College $8,597
    Western Washington University $8,732
    Other Eligible Institutions       
    Private four-year colleges and universities $12,633
    WGU Washington $7,540
    Public community and technical colleges $5,263
    CTC Applied Bachelor's $8,110
    Private career colleges $5,263
    *2024-25 Maximum CBS Award Amounts Combined with Washington College Grant for 3 Quarters/2 Semesters

    Income Eligibility to Receive CBS

    Who is income-eligible to receive College Bound in college?

    In order to access College Bound, a family’s income must be at or below the amount in the chart for their household size. This chart changes each year. It is important that students apply for financial aid every year they plan to attend college. Students must also meet the CBS Pledge requirements.

    2024-25 Median Family Income (MFI) Chart
     Household size Annual Income* 
     1  $40,500
     2  $53,000
     3  $65,500
     4  $78,500
     5  $91,000
     6  $103,500
     7  $105,500
     8  $108,000

    *Household income must be less than or equal to this amount. Note: A CB Scholar could be eligible for College Bound funding for some years, and not eligible for others, if the family’s MFI level exceeded 65 percent in one or more years.

    Private and Homeschooled Students

    For Homeschooled Students:

    If a student is a homeschooled senior in an approved Washington state program, they need to send extra documents to qualify for College Bound funds because we don't get their transcripts automatically like we do for public school students. They need to send:

    1. High school or homeschool transcripts showing graduation date and final cumulative GPA (unofficial transcripts are okay).
    2. Letter of Intent to Homeschool, filed with the local school district.
    3. One of the following:
      • College coursework (unofficial transcript)
      • College placement test scores
      • PSAT, SAT, ACT, PLAN, or ASPIRE scores

    Once these documents are received, the request will be reviewed and approved.

    If the student is a resident and finished high school in another state, they must meet Washington State residency requirements. They should contact College Bound staff at to check their situation.

    For Private School Students:

    If a student is a senior at a private school in Washington, they need to send:

    1. An unofficial copy of their final high school transcript showing graduation date and GPA (a diploma alone is not enough).
    How to Submit Documents:

    Students can send an unofficial copy of their high school transcript and supporting documents in one of the following ways:

    • Email (preferred):
    • Fax: 888-974-4217
    • Mail: College Bound, PO Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430

    Tools and Resources

    Access to College Bound
    • This handout outlines the student, school, and College Bound program roles and responsibilities to access College Bound. Materials for the 2024-25 school year are currently being updated. Please check back soon for updates.
    Join our Newsletter
    • Sign up for our free email newsletter to receive advice on College Bound, financial aid, and college and career-planning. 
    Financial Aid Calculator
    • This tool estimates what Washington College Grant and Pell Grant financial aid might look like for a student.
    Otterbot Texting Service
    • OtterBot is a free texting service that can help College Bound seniors with the financial aid process. OtterBot sends reminders and can answer questions about financial aid 24/7!

    Otter banner


    Information for School Counselors and Staff

    The College Bound program provides ample resources and guidance for counselors and practitioners working with College Bound students. In addition to the resources on this page, school and nonprofit organization staff can order free promotional materials (available at the end of August) to assist students and their families.

    School and nonprofit organization staff can use the tools and resources below to inform students and their families about how to maintain eligibility, meet program requirements, and access College Bound. Many resources are available in multiple languages.

    College Bound Online Portal for Staff

    College Bound Online Portal for Staff

    College Bound has an online portal called the Toolbox. The Toolbox allows school staff to track College Bound applications, update student information, and see which students have completed the FAFSA (high school access). Email us with your name, title, school, district and office phone number to request access to the secure portal.

    College Bound Portal Bulk Update Tool for Student Bad Addresses

    MS Resources

      Order College Bound materials and swag
      • Free promotional College Bound items will be available at the end of August.
      Middle School Intro Flyers
      • This one-page printable PDF walks students and families through College Bound basics. Available in English. Coming soon in more languages. Please check back for updates.
      Student and Family CB Presentation 
      • Materials for the 2024-25 school year are currently being updated. Please check back soon for updates.
      Join our Newsletter
      • Sign up for our free email newsletter to receive advice on College Bound, financial aid, and college and career-planning. 
      College Bound Information for Middle School Students
      • Download this template with College Bound information for middle school students. Add your school logo, events, and contact information to customize and share on your school website.

      HS Resources

      Order College Bound materials and swag
      • Free promotional College Bound items will be available at the end of August.
      High School Intro Flyer
      • This one-page printable PDF walks students and families through College Bound basics. Available in English. Coming soon in more languages. Please check back for updates.
      Access to College Bound
      • This handout outlines the student, school, and College Bound program roles and responsibilities to access College Bound. Materials for the 2024-25 school year are currently being updated. Please check back soon for updates.
      Join our Newsletter
      • Sign up for our free email newsletter to receive advice on College Bound, financial aid, and college and career-planning. 
      College Bound Myths & Facts
      • This handout covers the common myths and facts about College Bound. Materials for the 2024-25 school year are currently being updated. Please check back soon for updates
      Student and Family CB Presentation 
      • This PowerPoint can be used when presenting to students and families. Materials for the 2024-25 school year are currently being updated. Please check back soon for updates
      College Bound Information for High School Students
      • Download this template with College Bound information for high school students. Add your school logo, events, and contact information to customize and share on your school website.
      Washington College Grant
      Financial Aid Toolkit

      Web Resources

      12th Year Campaign
      • The 12th Year Campaign boosts college and financial aid application rates in Washington by helping those working with high school seniors and their families complete applications for college admissions and financial aid. Visit the 12th Year web page for more information.
      Financial Aid Toolkit
      • WSAC's Financial Aid Toolkit contains a host of resources to support students and families in learning about the Washington College Grant (WA Grant) and the financial aid application process.
      Plan Your Future
      • Find more information and resources on our Plan Your Future page to support students planning for life after high school.

      FAQs for Counselors

      CBS Counselor Frequently Asked Questions
      • Find answers to our most frequently asked questions in our FAQs
      College Bound Portal Bulk Update Tool for Student Bad Addresses

      Partnerships, Legislative Statutes, and Reports

      Legislative Foundation

      RCW 28B.118 
      The College Bound Scholarship is designed to inspire and encourage Washington middle school students from low-income families to prepare for and pursue postsecondary education. The early commitment of state funding for tuition is intended to alleviate the financial barriers preventing students from considering college as a possibility.

      WAC 250-84
      Outlines the program parameters, including student identification, eligibility, scholarship award amounts, and the roles of the Agency and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).

      Partner Support and Resources

      Partner Support and Resources

      The Washington College Access Network (WCAN) is the college access arm of the College Success Foundation, with the mission to increase postsecondary enrollment for all Washington State students particularly among students experiencing poverty, first-generation college-going students, and students of color. WCAN is a key partner in supporting College Bound outreach and regional support. The team assists in College Bound training, financial aid completion support, and college access efforts across the state. Visit their website to find regional contacts.

      College Knowledge

      This workbook walks students through how to plan and prepare for college. It is outlined by grade and subject area and available in multiple languages. Visit the 12th Year Campaign site to download these materials or to order hard copies.