Supplemental Education Transition Planning (SETuP) Program
SETuP helps foster youth and unaccompanied homeless youth make the transition from high school to college, career, or service.
The Washington Student Achievement Council contracts with five organizations to provide SETuP services to students. SETuP's goal is to improve high school graduation rates and college planning by two percent each year over five school-year periods.
Services may include:
- Case management to complete developmental tasks that increase high school and postsecondary success.
- Facilitation of youth access to and participation in appropriate school and local resources that may assist in educational access and success.
- Collaboration with the student, caregivers, schools, and social workers to support youth progress in the educational system.
Students looking for more information about SETuP and other resources for foster youth are encouraged to visit our partners at
A student is eligible for SETuP services if they are:
- In foster care in Washington State or experiencing homelessness without a parent or guardian.
- Between the ages of 13-21.
- Enrolled in high school or a GED program.
SETuP Providers
- Seattle YMCA
- Service Area: King County
- Pierce County Alliance
- Service Area: Pierce and Kitsap counties
- Community Youth Services
- Service Area: Clallam, Jefferson, Mason, Grays Harbor, Thurston, Lewis, Pacific, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Clark counties
- Volunteers of America
- Service Area: Spokane, Stevens, Lincoln, Adams, and Whitman counties
- Catholic Child and Family Services
- Service Area: Yakima, Kittitas, Klickitat, Benton, Franklin, and Walla Walla counties