Meeting materials and agendas are available below. Note that materials are posted up to the meeting date.
January 24
January 24 Meeting Materials and Information
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online Meeting. Registration required. TVW will live stream the meeting. TVW visitors will be able to access the Jan. 13 meeting from here.
- Agenda
- Past Meeting minutes
- Council Priorities Brief and Overview Brief
- Meeting Calendar
- Budget Overview
March 29
March 29 Meeting Materials and Information
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online Meeting. Registration required.
- Agenda
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Update on Budget and Legislation
- Regional Challenge Grants
May 24
May 24 Meeting Materials and Information
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Hybrid Meeting. Registration is required for online attendance.
- Agenda
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Regional Challenge Grants
- Student Supports: Thinking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic
- Affordability: What would it take to make postsecondary education affordable?
August 31
August 31 Meeting Materials and Information
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online Meeting. Registration required.
- Agenda
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Executive Director Update
- Regional Challenge Grants
- Approve Budget and Policy Requests
- Equity in Education: Washington Profile
October 18
October 18 Meeting Materials and Information
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Hybrid Meeting. Registration is required for online attendance.
- Agenda (updated)
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Executive Director's Update
- Tri-Cities Regional Insights
- Discussion: Completion & Workforce
- STEM Alliance
TVW will live stream the Oct. 18 WSAC meeting.
Physical location:
WSU Tri-Cities
Auditorium (266) in East Building
2710 Crimson Way
Richland, WA 99354
December 16
December 16 Meeting Materials and Information
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online Meeting. Registration is required for online attendance.
- Agenda
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Regional Challenge Grants
- Indicators: Enrollment
TVW will live stream the Dec. 16 WSAC meeting.