Higher Education Needs Assessment Study
The Washington State Legislature provided funding to the Washington Student Achievement Council to complete a higher education needs assessment for southeast King county, and to prepare a program and operating plan to meet the higher education needs identified in the assessment.
Study Requirements
Requirements for the report
The Washington State Legislature provided funding to the Washington Student Achievement Council to complete a higher education needs assessment for southeast King county, and to prepare a program and operating plan to meet the higher education needs identified in the assessment.
The needs assessment shall consider population changes, higher education participation rates, economic demand and work force needs, commute times for study area residents to existing higher education institutions, and any other items identified by WSAC. In completing the needs assessment and plan, WSAC shall consider the factors outlined in RCW 6 28B.77.080, enrollment trends in the study area, employer needs, existing and needed postsecondary programs, recommended strategies for promoting program participation, an estimated cost to meet the assessed need, and potential location sites.
In preparing a program and operating plan, the WSAC shall consider a variety of higher education options including, but not limited to, a branch campus, a university center, a private university, and an online learning center.
The needs assessment and plan must be developed in consultation with an advisory committee of civic, business, and education leaders from southeast King county.
WSAC shall provide a preliminary report to the appropriate committees of the legislature and the governor by November 1, 2016, and a final report by January 1, 2017.
Timeline and Scope of Work
WSAC identified the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) as the agency contractor with the skills and resources necessary to conduct the assessment in the timeframe provided in the budget proviso.
- September 30, 2016 – Preliminary Report (draft) to WSAC
- November 1, 2016 – Preliminary Report to designated legislative committees
- December 1, 2016 – Final Report to WSAC
- January 1, 2017 – Final Report submitted to designated legislative committees and legislators
Advisory committee
Advisory Committee Members
- Bill Allison, City Council Member, City of Maple Valley
- Regan Bolli, City Manager, City of Covington
- Catherine Calvert, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Muckleshoot Tribal College
- Deb Casey Powell, Vice President of Student Affairs, Green River College
- Cody Eccles, Associate Director, Council of Presidents
- Rick Fehrenbacher, Director, Center for Digital Learning and Innovation, Seattle University School of New and Continuing Studies
- Jean Floten, Chancellor, Western Governors University Washington
- Earl Gibbons, Vice Provost for Extended Education, Western Washington University
- Arlen Harris, Legislative Director, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- Darby Kaikkonen, Director of Policy Research, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- Mark Lanza, City Council Member, City of Covington
- Joshua Lyons,Owner, Pinnacle Medical Wellness
- Joseph Martin, Assistant Tribal Operations Manager for Education, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
- Brenda Martinez, Human Resources Manager/City Clerk, City of Black Diamond
- Briahna Murray, Vice President, Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs
- Jenee Myers Twitchell, Special Advisor, Postsecondary Success & Advancement, University of Washington College of Education
- Joe Potts, Principal, Kentlake High School
- Angel Reyna, Vice President of Instruction, Renton Technical College
- Antonio Sanchez, Assistant Director of Government Relations, Central Washington University
- Jim Schmidt, Senior Forecast Coordinator, Washington State Office of Financial Management, Education Research & Data Center
Advisory Committee Meeting
Friday, November 18, 2016 • 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
City of Covington (16720 SE 271st Street Suite 200, Covington WA 98042)
Agenda I Meeting Notes I Handouts
Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 • 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Muckleshoot Tribal College (39811 Auburn Enumclaw Road SE, Auburn, WA 98092)
Agenda I Meeting Notes I Handouts
Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday, October 6, 2016 • 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
MultiCare Covington Medical Center (17700 SE 272nd Street, Covington, WA 98042)
Agenda I Meeting Notes I Handouts
Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 • 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
City of Covington (16720 SE 271st Street Suite 200, Covington WA 98042)
Agenda I Meeting Notes I Handouts I Covington Development Info
Advisory Committee Kick-Off Meeting
July 22, 2016
City of Covington Council Chamber – Covington, WA
Agenda | Meeting Notes | Handouts