Pave the Way Conference 2014
Conference Materials
- Pave the Way - Gene Sharratt
- First Year Academic Programs at WWU
- Heritage University
- Big Bend Community College - Increasing Student Success
- Paving the Way at Seattle University
- Leading Underserved Students up the Ivory Tower: Washington State University
- Strategies for Success - Walla Walla Community College
Two-Year Resources
- Developing a Community College Student Roadmap
- A Boost for Active Learning - Doug Lederman
- A Follow-up Report on CUNY Accelerated Study in Associate Programs - ASAP University
- Contextualized College Transition Strategies for Adult Basic Skills Students: Learning from Washington State's I-Best Program Model - CCRC
- High-Impact Practices for Community College Student Engagement - CCCSE
- Promising Practices for Community College Student Success - CCCSE
- Strategies for Faculty - Student Engagement: How Community College Faculty Engage Latino Student -Cejda/Hoover
- Adapting the One-Minute Paper for Active Learning - Holtzman
- Two-Way Street - When College Mentors Help Studeents Achieve, Success is Shared - Focus
- Fast and Focused - Accelerated Degree Programs Keep Students Locked in on Learning - Focus
- A Boost for Active Learning - Lederman
- More to Most - Scaling Up Effective Community College Practices - Parcell
- CATs: A Student's Gateway to Better Learning: Steadman/Svinicki
- Using Classroom Assessment to Change Both Teaching and Learning - Steadman
- Acceleration in Developmental Education - Completion by Design
- Changing Course - A Guide to Increasing Student Completion in Community Colleges - Completion by Design
- Changing Course - A Planning Tool for Increasing Student Completion in Community Colleges - Completion by Design
- Social-Psychological Interventions in Education: They're Not Magic - Yeager/Walton
- Keeping Students on Course - An Impact Study of Student Success Course at Guilford Technical Community College - Rutschow, Cullinan, Welbeck
- Bridging the Gap: An Impact Study of Eight Developmental Summer Bridge Programs in Texas - NCPR Brief
- A Contextualized Intervention for Community College Developmental Reading and Writing Students - CCRC
- Impact of Learning Communities in Developmental English on Community College Student Retention and Persistence - Barnes/Piland
- Basic Skills Completion - The Key to Student Success in California Community Colleges - California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
- Strengthening Developmental Education Reforms: Evidence on Implementation Efforts from the Scaling Innovation Project - CCRC
- More Graduates: Two-Year Results from an Evaluation of Accelerated Study in Associate Programs for Developmental Education Students - Scrivener/Weiss
- Get with the Program. . .and Finish It: Building Guided Pathways to Accelerate Student Completion - CCRC
- Strengthening Developmental Education Reforms: Evidence on Implementation Efforts from the Scaling Innovation Project - CCRC
- Get with the Program: Accelerating Community College Students' Entry into and Completion of Programs of Study - CCRC
- Student Success Courses and Educational Outcomes at Virginia Community Colleges - CCRC
- Progress in the First Five Years - An Evaluation of Achieving the Dream Colleges in Washington State - Jenkins/Wachen/Kerrigan/Mayer
- Pathways to Faculty Learning and Pedagogical Improvement - Inside Out
Four-Year Resources
- The Role of Mentoring in College Access and Success – IHEP
- Guided Pathways to Student Success: Perspectives from Indiana – IN Commission for Higher Education
- Two-Way Street: When College Mentors Help Students Achieve, Success is Shared – Lumina
- Facilitating Student Learning Through Contextualization – Perin
- Preparing Students for Educated Living: Virtues of Problem-Based Learning – Knowlton
- Rethinking New Student Orientation – Shupp
- Roles, Risks and Benefits of Peer Mentoring – Colvin & Ashman
- A Tale of Three Campuses: Unearthing Theories of Residential Life that Shape Student Learning – Shushok, Scales, Sriram & kidd
- CATs: A Student’s Gateway to Better Learning (Steadman & Svinicki)
- A Boost for Active Learning – Lederman
- A Social Network Analysis of Student Retention – Springer
- Gates Foundation Helps Colleges Keep Tabs on Adaptive Learning Technology – Fain
- Accelerated Study in Associate Programs Results – Linderman
- Improving Advising Using Technology and Data Analytics – Phillips
- Supplemental Instruction Improves STEM Success – CSUF
- Guided Pathways to Success: Boosting College Completion – Complete College America
- Colleges Mine Data to Help Students Stay on Course – Korn
- The Impact of Cooperative Learning and Course Learning Environment Factors on Learning Outcomes – Kasworm
- Cooperative Learning Returns to College: What Evidence Is There That It Works? – Johnson, Johnson & Smith
- Learning from High-Performing and Fast-Gaining Institutions – Yeado, Haycock, Johnstone & Chaplot
- Leading Change: Increasing Graduation Rates at CSU-Northridge – Brusi
- Using Classroom Assessment to Change Both Teaching and Learning – Steadman
- Time is the Enemy: The Surprising Truth About Why Today’s College Students Aren’t Graduating – Complete College America
- Taking Student Success Seriously in the College Classroom – Tinto
- Learning Better Together: The Impact of Learning Communities on Student Success – Tinto
- Providing Structured Pathways to Guide Students Toward Completion – Completion by Design
- Social-Psychological Interventions in Education: They’re Not Magic – Yeager & Walton
- Adding Value: Learning Communities and Student Engagement – Zhao & Kuh
- Great Jobs, Great Lives: A Study of More Than 30,000 College Graduates – Gallup-Purdue
- Adapting the One-Minute Paper for Active Learning – Holtzman
- Summary of Guided Pathways to Student Success: Perspectives from Indiana – IN Commission for Higher Education
- Academic Analytics - A New Tool for a New Era - Educause