Date and time: Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. PDT.
Event description: Work smarter, not harder–at scale! Use AI to coach students through college-going and financial aid processes.
AI-enabled technology can help streamline workflows, help us work more efficiently–and help students at scale! Join us for an afternoon of practical insights, where we will learn how Washington and Arizona are leveraging AI-enabled chatbots to support students in closing the information equity gap. Moderated by Erika Lundquist, Project Director of the Optimizing Texting Technology through Engagement Research with Students (OTTERS) Project, the presentations will also include the latest findings from the OTTERS Project, funded by the Capital One Foundation. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences, discuss recent research findings, and ask questions in small breakouts between presentations. The webinar will conclude with a preview of the OTTERS Toolkit that states or organizations will be able to use to improve a chatbot or implement other forms of AI in their work, providing you with tangible tools to enhance your student support strategies.
Watch the full webinar on YouTube.
Thank you to all who were able to attend 'Improving College Access Chatbots' on May 3, 2023. For those who were not able to make it, we recorded the presentation, captured breakout room notes, and shared the slides:
Date and Time: Wednesday May 3, 2023, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. PDT (1–4 p.m. EDT)
Event description:
On May 3, the Washington Student Achievement Council, in partnership with MDRC and with generous support from Capital One, hosted a virtual convening of states using chatbots to improve college access. WSAC and MDRC shared an overview and early insights of their ongoing research about OtterBot, a texting tool designed to help Washington high school students from families with low incomes navigate the financial aid and college application processes. Attendees also heard about Mainstay’s recent research on the mindset, social emotional, and cultural relevance aspects of messaging students. The Zoom presentation was recorded for anyone who was unable to attend the convening. Through presentations, a panel of state practitioners, and breakout discussions, the convening offered attendees opportunities to learn from and engage in cross-state conversations about optimizing chatbots for student success.
Learn more about WSAC and MDRC’s research project “Optimizing Texting Technology through Engagement Research with Students (OTTERS).”
Agenda at a glance:
- Opening Remarks (WSAC, MDRC, Capital One)
- Washington’s Chatbot, Research, and Emerging Insights
- Mindset, Social Emotional, and Cultural Relevance Aspects of Messaging (Mainstay)
- Panel: How are different states thinking about improving college access chatbot efficacy?
- Breakout Discussions
- Closing Remarks
For questions, feel free to reach out to Natalie Alvarado at or Rubi Diaz at