WSAC Research Digests: Introduction
WSAC’s new Strategic Action Plan (SAP) Dashboard is live! So where should you dig in? Well, that depends on your interests and how comfortable you are exploring data. But we think everyone has something to learn from the SAP Dashboard.
The SAP Dashboard shares extensive data for selected indicators aligned with the agency’s focus on postsecondary Affordability, Enrollment, Student Supports, and Completion. The homepage provides a snapshot of where the state stands on key indicators, and in which direction the state is trending. The “learn more” option takes users to a more detailed spread, including historical trends and data that is disaggregated by characteristics of interest. From there, the “Explore the data” option lets users perform custom searches, filtering the data by demographic and regional characteristics. Users can also download the data and visit links to related WSAC reports.
Over the next few weeks, we will release a series of WSAC Research Digests that will highlight interesting data insights and takeaways from the dashboard. The goal of the series is to communicate and interpret data from WSAC’s new SAP Dashboard in a brief and informal manner to surface important education issues in the state. We hope that you’ll follow along!
In the meantime, we encourage you to start exploring:
Research Digest #1: Affordability
Research Digest #2: Enrollment
Research Digest #3: Student Supports