How do we leverage Washington College Grant to raise awareness, enrollment, completion?
October 10, 2019
Olympia—The Washington College Grant has changed the state’s postsecondary education landscape. On October 16, council members will consider how this new environment affords new opportunities to raise educational attainment. Members will focus on strategies and partnerships to:
- Expand student and community awareness of affordable education pathways.
- Increase use of student financial aid.
- Increase enrollment in postsecondary programs.
- Close equity gaps on pathways to educational attainment.
Council members will also elect officers and hear an update on College and Career Compass, the state’s initiative to empower adults so they can return to school, earn their credential, and advance their careers.
The meeting will take place at the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce on October 16 from 8:30 to 11 a.m. Public comment will begin at 10:50 a.m.
All meeting materials will be available online on the day of the meeting.
Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
Rainier Tower, 15th floor
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1500
Seattle, WA 98101
About the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC)
The Washington Student Achievement Council is committed to increasing educational opportunities and attainment in Washington.