12th Year Campaign
The 12th Year Campaign boosts college and financial aid application rates in Washington by helping those working with high school seniors and their families complete applications for college admissions and financial aid. This page contains and information and resources designed to help schools and partners host a successful financial aid advising day. Explore the different sections below to learn more.
Supporting Washington's Financial Aid Advising Day
Financial aid matters. Nationally, seniors who complete a financial aid application are 84 percent more likely to enroll in postsecondary education. The rate is even higher for students from lower‐income families. From an apprenticeship program to a two-or-four-year college degree, education beyond high school prepares students for jobs that move them beyond minimum wage. Even a one-year credential program at a community or technical college can increase future earnings.
Districts across Washington have an exciting opportunity to provide students with new support by sharing critical information for planning life after high school. Financial aid advising day, created with the passage of ESSB 6141 in the 2020 Legislative session, is an opportunity to focus on educational equity related to students pursuing postsecondary education.
What is a financial aid advising day?
Learn about the details and requirements of financial aid advising day, as well as the resources the 12th Year Campaign has to support schools.
What is a financial aid advising day?
What is a financial aid advising day?
A financial aid advising day is an opportunity to provide every senior and their family with key resources and knowledge for completing the financial aid application process. Per ESSB 6141, districts with a high school must provide both a financial aid advising day and notification of financial aid opportunities at the beginning of each school year to parents and guardians of any student entering the twelfth grade.
The 12th Year Campaign is here to help
The 12th Year Campaign is here to help!
The 12th Year Campaign provides sites with free financial aid training, free print and digital materials for students and families, and helps host virtual statewide financial aid completion events.
- Register for the model of participation that best fits your needs.
- Order your free materials, explore the resources below, and access training opportunities.
- Get to know your data.
- Plan your financial aid advising day, pre-work, and follow-up.
What should the notification include?
What should the notification to students include?
The notification must include information regarding:
- The eligibility requirements of the Washington College Grant.
- Information on resources, including the CSS profile and new financial aid calculator.
- Any community-based resources available to assist parents and guardians in understanding the requirements of and how to complete the free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) and the Washington application for state financial aid (WASFA).
- The full requirements of the financial aid advising day, which can be found in ESSB 6141. For more information, see the OSPI bulletin.
Opting out
Opting out
All students are encouraged to participate in financial aid advising day because of the connection between applying for aid and students ultimately pursuing college and career education. However, a district process for opting out of the financial aid advising day should be created. We've provided templates (English I Spanish) to use when creating your opt out process.
Students who wish to opt out of the financial aid advising day should complete a form similar to this template and records should be retained at your campus. Forms do not need to be turned in to WSAC or OSPI.
Financial aid advising day lesson plans
Use these easy to implement lesson plans to support your financial aid advising day activities.
Financial Aid 101: Paying for education
Financial Aid 101: Paying for education after high school
This activity will help your students prepare to apply for financial aid by learning more about the types of financial aid, where it comes from, and how to apply. This lesson plan includes a financial aid presentation in English and Spanish, videos, and resources to support your students.
Understanding the Washington College Grant
Understanding the Washington College Grant
This activity will help your students understand the Washington College Grant (WA Grant) and Washington State aid through short animated videos, learning outcomes, discussion questions, and a Kahoot! quiz.
Using the Washington financial aid calculator
Using the Washington financial aid calculator
This activity will help your students calculate potential Washington State funding that could be available to them.
Which financial aid application should I use
Which financial aid application should I use
Students will file either the FAFSA or the WASFA to be considered for financial aid. This activity will help your students understand financial aid eligibility and which application they should use to file for financial aid.
Creating an FSA ID or WASFA account
Creating an FSA ID or WASFA account
This activity will help your students prepare to apply for financial aid by creating their FSA ID or WASFA account. For students completing the FAFSA, they will need to create their FSA ID at least 1-3 days before they file to ensure their FSA ID is verified.
12th Year Campaign and partner materials
OtterBot is a free texting service designed to help Washington students navigate financial aid for college and career education. Students can access OtterBot via text message 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Text "Hi Otter" to 360-928-7281. Learn more.
Financial aid event materials
Use these materials to support financial aid events and discussions - either in-person or virtually.
- Padlet: Financial Aid Resources for Students
This student based padlet provides a list of resources that will navigate students through the financial aid and admissions processes. - 12th Year Campaign Virtual Financial Aid Event Toolkit.
This toolkit will assist you with developing and hosting your own virtual financial aid event. - Customizable promotional poster (English) (Spanish) templates.
- Postcards: You Can’t Get Financial Aid if You Don’t Apply. Use these postcards to remind students what documents are needed and where to find help when applying for financial aid. You can order or download these postcards in five languages.
- FSA ID & WAFSA Account Creation Worksheet (English) (Spanish).
Use this worksheet to help students and parents collect and remember all the information needed to create a Federal Student Aid ID. Students can use this worksheet to create their WASFA account. - Student and Parent Survey.
Please use this survey after any financial aid events or workshops you hold. - Financial Aid 101 Presentation Slides (English) (Spanish)
This presentation, with accompanying notes and video recording listed below, can be used to “plug and play” a financial aid overview presentation to students and families. - Financial Aid Night Financial Aid 101 Presentation Video (English) (Spanish)
More materials
More materials
- Key to Success: College Access Resources This is our digital version of our key to success. These resources will help you as you assist students with completing financial aid and admissions applications.
- 12th Year Campaign Student Workbook This comprehensive workbook will assist your juniors and seniors with identifying their postsecondary plan goals with useful activities as well as provides critical information around admission and financial aid programs
- Financial Aid/Washington College Grant Toolkit Find graphics, flyers, and other resources to help promote the newly expanded Washington College Grant.
- Award Letter Worksheet - Living on campus Use this worksheet to help your students who plan to live on campus understand their financial aid awards.
- Award Letter Worksheet - Living off campus Use this worksheet to help your students who plan to live off campus understand their financial aid awards.
- Award Letter Key Components Use this document to help students understand the critical items in a financial aid award package.
- Puget Sound College and Career Network Financial Aid Toolkit The PSCCN Financial Aid Toolkit features promotional materials, school and district strategies, and additional student/family materials.
- Puget Sound College and Career Network Regional College Transition Checklists
- WSECU Reality Fair Hosted by 12th Year Campaign partner, WSECU, the digital reality fair provides students and teachers with an opportunity to engage in a virtual learning exercise about financial responsibilities, savings goals, and productive spending habits.
- WSAC Student Loan Modules and Resources Access lessons, resources and materials related to student loans.
- Financial Aid Completion Playbook Explore ten case studies and best practices around financial aid application completion.
Federal student aid infographics
Federal student aid infographics
Visit the Federal Student Aid Resources site for downloadable resources in English and Spanish on a variety of topics from “Who’s my parent?” to “Understanding dependency”.
College and Career Pathways handouts
College and Career Pathways handouts
College and Career Pathways An outline of potential postsecondary pathways.
How to Become an Apprentice Help students interested in apprenticeships understand how to pursue this pathway.
Technical and Special Colleges An overview of technical and specialty colleges.
Military Pathways An overview of the different pathways related to joining the military.
LGBTQ+ and College Access Supporting LGBTQ+ students through the admissions and financial aid process.
Youth in Foster Care Supporting youth in foster care through the admissions and financial aid process.
Financial Aid and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Supporting unaccompanied homeless youth with the financial aid process.
Information on Student Loans A brief overview of student loans.
Translated resources
Translated resources
Financial Aid Myths infographic in Spanish
Puget Sound College and Career Network radio spots on College Knowledge in Spanish
GEAR UP family guides in seven additional languages
Check out the College Knowledge Project section of this site for those materials
Resources for mixed status families
Resources for mixed status families
Financial aid for other eligible non-citizens
The College & Career Knowledge Project
Over the past several years, a team of organizations worked together to create the College & Career Knowledge Project, consisting of digital handouts compiled into a workbook designed to support college and career education planning. Full workbooks can be ordered through the 12th Year Campaign, and digital copies are also available. Lesson plans will be available later in 2023-24 for each chapter of the workbook to be used to guide students through the College & Career Knowledge content.
The College & Career Knowledge Project
The College & Career Knowledge Project is a collaborative effort of:
- Community Center for Education Results (CCER)
- Puget Sound College and Career Network (PSCCN)
- College Success Foundation/Washington College Access Network (CSF)
- Scholar Fund (SF)
- Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
- Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC)
College & Career Knowledge hard copies
College & Career Knowledge hard copies
Order your hard-copy College & Career Knowledge workbooks via the 12th Year Campaign. Workbooks are currently available in English and Spanish.
College & Career Knowledge handouts
College and Career Knowledge Complete Book
English Book | Spanish Book | Vietnamese Book | Ukrainian Book | Somali Book | Russian Book | Arabic Book
College and Career Knowledge by Chapter
This set of digital handouts are grouped together by chapter theme.
Chapter 1: About College & Career
English 1
Chapter 2: Getting Ready
English 2
Chapter 3: Paying for College
English 3
Chapter 4: Washington State Aid
English 4
Chapter 5: Applying for College
English 5
Chapter 6: Enrolling in College
English 6
College and Career Knowledge by Grade
These packets come with a grade level specific month-by-month timeline and corresponding digital handouts.
9th & 10th Grade Packet:
English 9th & 10th
11th Grade Packet:
English 11th
12th Grade Packet:
English 12th
College & Career Knowledge lesson plans
College & Career Knowledge lesson plans
These student lesson plans, including educator notes, were created to support the implementation of the College & Career Knowledge workbook content.
12th Year Campaign training
Access these trainings to deepen your understanding of financial aid. Regional training may be offered by other organizations such as local community-based organizations. Please contact us if you are looking to connect with a local community-based organization or would like to schedule or join a WSAC-led training.
Recorded trainings
Recorded Trainings
Visit the WSAC YouTube Channel for recorded training on financial aid and other related topics.
- Creating an FSA ID
- FSA ID user challenges
- Common financial aid errors
- Train the Trainer workshops (2020)
- Fall 2020 Washington Council for High School-College Relations (WCHSCR)
- 2021-22 FAFSA/WASFA Line by Line
- Financial Aid Advising Day Wednesday Webinar
Live virtual trainings
Live virtual trainings
Join the Aim Higher WA initiative for live financial aid training and strategy session opportunities. Click here for more information and to register for these free trainings.
WSAC Wednesday
Practitioners, do you have questions about financial aid? WSAC's College Access and Support division is here to help! Join us the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00-11:00am for an open Q&A. Register in advance at https://bit.ly/WSACWednesday.
Wednesday Webinars
Wednesday Webinars
During the 2024-25 school year, the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) will co-host a series of webinars for school counselors. Over the course of the year, we will provide relevant and timely information related to college readiness and financial aid, including specific policy changes and useful tools and resources to help you support students.
All webinars will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Registration information can be found here. Registration information will also be sent on OSPI's News & More for School Counselors. Subscribe at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WAOSPI/subscriber/new. View the Wednesday Webinar Archives from the last several years for even more information.
2023-24 WEBINARS
October 2, 2024
Financial Aid (recording pending)
October 30, 2024
Graduation Pathways (recording pending)
March 26, 2025
Apprenticeships (recording pending)
May 15, 2025
Legislative Updates (recording pending)
FAFSA completion dashboard
FAFSA completion dashboard
Understand your district’s FAFSA completion trends and others throughout the state.
Student-level FAFSA completion portal
Student-level FAFSA completion portal
Access student-level FAFSA completion data by utilizing the WSAC’s FAFSA completion portal. Districts must have a signed data sharing agreement on file. Email fafsa@wsac.wa.gov to confirm your district has theirs in, get an account and gain access.
Watch our video on how to use the FAFSA completion portal.