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What We Do

The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) is a cabinet-level state agency. We are working to raise educational attainment through strategic engagement, program management, and partnerships. 

Strategic planning, oversight, and advocacy:

  • Be a convener, facilitator, and thought leader to increase educational attainment in Washington, with a focus on improving equity and opportunity for people and groups furthest from the state’s attainment goal.
  • Advise state and local elected officials on how best to support cross-sector education and training pathways in K-12 schools, colleges, universities, apprenticeship programs, and training programs.
  • Conduct research and evaluation to inform public policy and public and private investments to better achieve our goals.
  • Assess the need for additional degrees and programs throughout the state.
  • Improve student success by setting minimum college admission standards.
  • Protect education consumers by authorizing out-of-state institutions serving Washington students.
  • Promote and safeguard quality education and training programs for veterans.

Program administration:

  • Ensure the quality of state financial aid programs and services that support educational access and affordability.
  • Provide college savings opportunities through the GET Prepaid Tuition and WA529 Invest plans.
  • Support students through early outreach and success programs such as College Bound and GEAR UP.


Per RCW 28B.77, the Student Achievement Council closely collaborates with the following agencies and organizations: