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Media Advisory: January 28 Council Meeting

Council to meet in Olympia, discuss ways to align efforts and accelerate change to increase educational attainment

January 21, 2025

Olympia—As the 2025 legislative session begins, the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) will meet in Olympia on Jan. 28 to discuss strategies to increase educational attainment. The council will hear from partners and discuss ideas for aligning efforts to reach the state’s 70 percent attainment goal and accelerating change within the education system.

Council members will also hear an overview of former Governor Inslee’s proposed 2025-27 operating budget and how it aligns with the council’s priorities. The meeting will also include an update on the work of regional partnerships, an overview of adult pathways in Washington and strategies for communicating the guarantee of the Washington College Grant to eligible households receiving food benefits.

This meeting will take place at the Evergreen State College on Jan. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Formal public comment will begin at 2:55 p.m. A hybrid option is also available, with online registration required to attend via Zoom.

