WSAC member Evangelina Galvan Shreeve receives national clean energy education award
September 19, 2023
Olympia—The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has named Evangelina Galvan Shreeve as the recipient of the 2023 Clean Energy Education & Empowerment (C3E) Education Award. Shreeve serves as Chief Diversity Officer and Director of STEM Education at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and is also a member of the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC).
“[Shreeve] guides the development of educational programs and partnerships to strategically create pathways for historically underrepresented groups in STEM fields to build the future diverse STEM workforce,” according to DOE’s announcement. For example, Shreeve oversees the PNNL internship program, which provides around 1,500 students annually with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a laboratory environment. The program earns rave reviews, with 99% of participants reporting they would recommend the PNNL internship to others. Shreeve also leads PNNL’s diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility efforts and guides its STEM Ambassadors program.
As a WSAC member, Shreeve helps to shape and carry out Washington’s strategic action plan to increase educational attainment, with a particular focus on improving educational opportunity and outcomes for those furthest from educational equity.
C3E aims to close the gender gap and increase the participation, leadership and success of women in clean energy fields. Each year, C3E honors inspiring women leaders making an impact across the clean energy sector. Learn more about this year’s winners: DOE Recognizes Eleven Women for their Outstanding Leadership and Achievements in Clean Energy.