Applications now open: WSAC grants will support community partnerships that improve college and career training access and success
September 8, 2022
Olympia—The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) is now accepting letters of interest from applicants for regional challenge grants. The grants seek to expand the number of community and regional partnerships—and support existing partnerships—that are focused on increasing postsecondary enrollment and credential completion for students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, English language learners, students with disabilities and foster and homeless youth by increasing direct enrollment of high school students, increasing enrollment of adults returning to education or increasing the completion rate of students’ postsecondary credentials.
“Expanding access and success in education and training pathways for those left out now is essential for the future of many Washington residents, their families and communities,” said WSAC executive director Michael Meotti. “The regional challenge grant program builds partnerships between the state and community leaders to achieve our shared goals. It is not a traditional grant program—it is WSAC’s effort to support community partnerships who can change conditions on the ground that shape these opportunities.”
WSAC plans to award two tiers of grants. Tier one grants will award up to $125,000 over one year to entities focused on building new partnerships aimed at improving postsecondary attainment and career pathways. Tier two grants will award an average of $750,000 per group per year over two-and-a-half years to established partnerships that are ready to test new strategies, expand efforts or scale up to support more students.
Letters of interest are due by 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 21, 2022. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the program details and materials on the WSAC website.