What is SARA?
The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) is an agreement among member states, districts, and territories that establishes national standards for postsecondary distance education courses and programs. SARA is overseen by a national council. Four regional education compacts administer SARA.
Currently, 49 states, the District of Columbia, and 2 U.S. territories have become members of SARA. A degree-granting institution may participate in SARA if it meets the standards outlined in the SARA Policy Manual. Participation permits institutions to offer distance education courses or programs to students who live in other states.
The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) administers SARA on behalf of Washington State. WSAC ensures the state and its participating institutions meet SARA's standards.
Washington schools seeking to participate in SARA should contact Sam Loftin (saml@wsac.wa.gov) for application information.
Additional information on SARA, a map of SARA member states, and participating schools can be found at: www.nc-sara.org.
Student Complaints
Students enrolled in a distance learning program offered by a SARA-participating Washington school can use WSAC's student complaint process even if they live outside of Washington State.
Institutional Appeals
If an institution is denied SARA participation, it can submit an appeal through the institutional appeals process. Appeals can be submitted to Sam Loftin at saml@wsac.wa.gov.